Kaldi Award
Legend has it that the Abyssinian goatherd Kaldi discovered the effects of coffee. This story is common throughout the coffee industry. Legend has it that he discovered the effect of the fruit and its stimulating properties over a thousand years ago. His goats had eaten the berries from the coffee bush and then jumped around very excitedly and were unusually active.
Since 2016, the "KaldiAward" will be presented to people who have made a significant contribution to a better understanding of coffee or to the improvement of coffee through scientific work. The award is presented by Coffee Consulate. The decision on the award is made by an international, independent jury of experts.
The prize is awarded in the following categories
Lifetime achievement
Award for a person's life's work / lifetime achievement in the service of science for coffee
Green coffee (cultivation & processing)
Award for special achievements for scientific findings in the green coffee sector
Award for special achievements for scientific knowledge in the field of roasting
Award for special achievements for scientific knowledge in the field of coffee preparation
The jury for the KaldiAward is composed of the conference chairs and advisory board. We welcome any suggestions for each of the four awards.